Design Cult

Design Cult

Design Cult featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Infinity Vessel

A glass crown embodies the value and uniqueness of an individual. Each piece fits only its wearer. The crown boldly mixes Haute couture fashion and glass, which are foreign to others. The personalized piece of jewelry also has a deep philosophical background. Power structures are transparent and can be broken. The crown takes a stand on how sensitive and strong a person is at the same time.

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The shape of trees symbolizes nature, and the cloth symbolizes human intervention in nature. The work collides the primitive nature of nature with the possibility of human interference, creates a scene space with the theme of ecology, and applies the tree modeling elements in the literati paintings of the Song Dynasty to sculpture. When people stare at these works, they will think about where human beings have gone and the relationship between nature and human beings.

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Like the Walk of Fame in Los Angeles of the US, the Xiamen Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Coast was built for the event of China Golden Rooster Film Festival, which mainly features Blings. The installation is set against the backdrop of the sea, with the bridge floor as the base, composed of 15 stainless steel Blings based on local crude stones as the prototype, which represents completeness as the full moon. On the floor are inlaid the floor-lamps, which add radiance with the lights inside the Blings at night, showing a scene of brilliant and sparkling stars.

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Milky Way

The Milky Way project was inspired by the galaxy in the sky. The warm white color tone reflects people's imagination. When night falls, the interlaced lines are illuminated. Full-color LED light tubes are adopted, with 7 shifting colors to produce rich visual effects and display the mystery and charm of the vast universe. The sculpture also spans 90 meters with a height of 40 meters, producing a giant volume. The structure symbolizes the mountain and water landscape of Wuhan.

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Golden Dot Invasion

An ephemeral art installation inspired by the "Midas touch", composed by 1.000.000 golden sequins to attract good luck and fortune! To create a tunnel effect were used different size chains from 1 to 6 meters long that move with the wind, shine and create reflections in the surrounding area, depending on the incidence of light. Hidden in the middle of the golden dots, 2880 meters of golden led light curtains light up in the night involving the viewer by transforming their state of mind!

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Pop Star

Pop Star is based on the geometric shape of the icosahedron. Through the deconstruction of space and the reconstruction of form, the artist finally constructed this 'monster' with a huge volume that exceeds the human visual reading scale, like an alien object flying in from another dimension of time and space. Viewers could feel the association between the Pop Star and transcendental theory that Ralph Waldo Emerson said: The world globes itself in a drop of dew, while the artist enlarges a tiny compound eye into a behemoth.

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