Design Cult

Design Cult

Design Cult featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


A consumer's diary

Nowadays identities are structured around the idea of consumption – in other words people create a sense of who they are through what they consume. Material objects are seen as an expression of modern values, attitudes and beliefs, they also give consumers a sense of belonging to a certain group of people. Therefore I decided to explore my own consumer’s identity through publishing a collection of my recent receipts - recreating my individual qualities, group membership and social standing based on the products I've recently consumed

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Vetrina nel Vento

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Cascading Canyon

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Infinite Bloom

The 10 meter tall stainless steel sculpture stands tall and proud on the highest point of the company's square green space. It is like a thriving, vibrant tree, symbolizing the company's thriving development and the spirit of pursuing excellence. The sculpture is composed of four seamlessly flowing stainless steel arc-shaped units, and interlaces in the vertical space to create a concise, smooth, and dynamic form, converging into a force that continuously extends toward the sky, filling people with expectations for the future.

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The Lighthouse of Wishes

This is a special project made possible after its selection as the "best new years eve architectural proposal" by the community's residents in an open poll. This is not only an installation art, but also a community participation activity. Both locals and visitors can draw their vision for the New Year on building facade materials. In addition, an activity was promoted and launched through social media which received a large number of submissions. Each person who submitted a design became an architect of the art installation.

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The project is an immersive commercial art space with the theme of Rebirth, which relates that an AI girl who recreates our home earth by memory extraction and remodeling in the future, through various technical means such as physical production, mechanical construction, and control programming. The unique visual experience and conceptual thinking, combined with technology, art, and fashion elements, fits perfectly with the commercial space, bringing people an unusual journey to welcome rebirth, and reflect on the value of life and fashion.

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