Design Cult

Design Cult

Design Cult featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Tape Art

In 2019, a visual party of lines, color chunks, and fluorescence sparked Taipei. It was the Tape That Art Exhibition organized by and Tape That Collective. A variety of projects with unusual ideas and techniques were presented in 8 tape art installations and exhibited over 40 tape paintings, together with videos of the artists’ work in the past. They also added brilliant sounds and light to make the event an immersive art milieu and materials they applied included cloth tapes, duct tapes, paper tapes, packaging tales, plastic tapes, and foils.

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Wisdom Path

The nonfunctioning water tower has been decided by the Workshop management to reconstruct to become a climbing wall. Being the highest point around it is well visible outside the Workshop. It has the scenic view on Senezh lake, Workshop territory and pine forest around. Upon completion of their studies students participate in a ceremonial climbing to the very top of the tower being an observation point. Spiral movement around the tower is a symbol of experience gaining process. And the highest point is a symbol of life experience that is eventually transforms into the stone of wisdom.

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Dachuan Lane Art Installation

Dachuan lane of Chengdu, West Bank of Jinjiang River, is a historical street linking the ruins of Chengdu East Gate City wall. In the project, the archway of Dachuan Lane in the history was rebuilt by the old way in the original street, and the story of this street was told by the street art installation. The intervention of art installation is a kind of media for the continuation and transmission of stories. It not only reproduces the traces of historical streets and lanes that have been demolished, but also provides a kind of temperature of urban memory for the new streets and lanes.

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As a child, Pang Swee Tuan loved visiting the beach. Memories of these happy moments have always stayed firmly with him. Inspired by the intricate details on corals, he created the series "Coral - Rhythm of the Seas", to commemorate the wonderful times of his childhood. Coral-inspired, this teapot has a single handle that effectively encompasses handling the teapot from all directions (overhead, left or right) and is inclusive of the myriad of ways different cultures handle a teapot.

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Free Estonian

In this unique artwork, Olga Raag used Estonian newspapers from the year when the car was originally produced in 1973. The yellow newspapers at the National Library were photographed, cleaned, adjusted, and edited to be used on the project. The final result was printed on special material used on cars, which lasts for 12 years, and it took 24 hours to apply. Free Estonian is a car that draws attention, surrounding people with positive energy and nostalgic, childhood emotions. It invites curiosity and engagement from everyone.

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Super String

The sculpture is inspired by one of the grand theories of science, the superstrings. It theorises that every particle that makes this universe is made of tiny vibrating strings, frantically oscillating in a ripple around its nucleus. Superstring is a symbology of interaction between science and art, celebrating the merger of these realms. It urges the onlooker to search for a dynamic balance between the two, suggesting a world where humanistic side is often traded for practical aspects of life. It is a call for individual to better themselves and a celebration of a culturally fuller mankind.

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